🌮 Taco Tuesday: Permanent Cure for Posting Block

As content creators, sometimes we run up against posting block. Whether you’re writing a blog or making short form videos for fun and profit, it happens to all of us.

Here’s 5 quick tips to permanently cure your posting block:

An “internet search.”

  1. Use the power of google with this magic search combo:
    [niche] site:[social media site] ex. marketing site:instagram.com or “web design tips” site:substack.com.

    The search results will tell you the followers the account has, so you can target some of the larger accounts and pick up some good ideas by scrolling their reels and other content. Repurpose theirs for fresh content of your own!

  2. Pull from experience: have you or your clients ever had:

    1. Unique challenges

    2. Blockbuster results

    3. Funny stories

    4. Bad relationships

    5. Other interesting stories?

    Tell those stories to demonstrate your authority and relatability.

  3. Funny memes. Great for when you can’t think of a single thing. Go grab a funny youtube short or Instagram reel and repost to your account with a unique caption.

  4. Do’s and Don’ts: whip up a graphic of do’s and don’ts for your biz and narrate over top for a quick video. This can be anything from billing issues to facebook audiences to any other aspect of your biz that you’ve learned from over the years.

  5. Show the sausage being made: Give a quick behind-the-scenes of doing something for a client (or fake client). No need to go in-depth, but choose about 5 or so essential steps to show you know what you’re doing.

That’s all for now - let me know in the comments what you’d like to see next!


or to participate.